The above was the title of a session today here at the RightNow Church Leadership Conference. It was led by a young pastor (he's 37) that I believe is one of the very BEST teachers anywhere in Christendom:
Matt Chandler. I have been listening to his podcasts for a few years now - and it was a deep blessing to hear him speak live.
He has an incredible personal story of conversion - from being a cynical, unbelieving young man - to becoming a dedicated and humble follower of Christ - and a powerfully gifted teacher of the Word of God! He leads a Church here in Dallas that has been growing by leaps and bounds for almost a decade now. A crazy twist in his his life recently: He was diagnosed two years ago with a malignant brain tumor and has gone through treatment and surgery - yet that seems to have only increased his passion - and his anointing - as a Preacher of the Gospel.
I have been in many rooms where gifted speakers have shared the Good News of Christ - but I must say that God is using this young man in incredible ways. Many can lead well - but to lead other leaders well - that is not so common. To say that I was challenged and blessed - to the point that "my socks were blown off" - is a serious understatement!!!
From his talk today:
God has a PASSION for Holiness and Purity. He detests decietful and wicked men. A common Biblical misunderstanding is that God hates the sin but loves the sinner. Chandler argued that this is partially true - but we are not to under-estimate how much God despises those that are wicked and how actively he opposes sinful men and women - especially those that are intentional in their sinful decisions. Wouldn't that be most, if not all of us?

God seeks to discipline us - out of LOVE. Chandler defines Discipline: "A view of the future through actions taken today." God will discipline us today - because he has a glorious view of our future!
ALL sin is incredibly offensive to God!! God will "break your hand" if you fondle with sin - because he cares so deeply for you! He knows this does not feel loving - but it truly is.
It is impossible to hide sin - and it WILL eventually be exposed and brought to light by a God who TRULY loves us - because THAT is how it can be most powerfully dealt with - to the point of real change. And Real Change is what is required.
God provides a way for us to battle sin -
by growing continually in our affections toward Christ! As we pursue Christ and His righteousness, our sin is put to death.
I love this: Our battle against sin is intended to be a Grace Driven Effort - not driven by guilt!
How? Confess everything to Him. Yes - EVERYTHING!! Do it!! God wants to eliminate ALL of the shadows in our lives - because He is SERIOUS about HOLINESS!! No one "stumbles into the righteousness of God." We are to TRAIN ourselves in this pursuit. And diligent, complete and genuine confession is a priceless tool of sanctification.
We are invited by God to experience COMPLETE FREEDOM from sin. Who doesn't want that??
Leaders: Pursue the Holiness of God - by growing closer to Christ - and being fueled by His Grace.