Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The REAL Leadership Edge is...

Attitude.  (A good one!)

What do you think of the following "Leadership Math"?

Great Talent   +  Rotten Attitude       =  Bad Team
Great Talent   +  Bad Attitudes         =  Average Team
Great Talent   +  Average Attitudes  =  Good Team
Great Talent   +  Good Attitudes      =  Great Team

The key "edge" found in fantastic leaders and teams is not Aptitude as much as it is Attitude!  Think of any good or great team you have been on or know of...  Does the above "test" true in your experience and observation?

There might be a few that would argue this notion and say that remarkable talent is the edge.  Giftedness does play a role - but I would say that there are plenty of truly talented and gifted people and teams that never really accomplished anything significant - because of lousy attitudes...

You've heard it before - but it still rings true:  Get rid of the "stinking thinking" - in yourself and in the teams you serve and work with.  Attitude Adjustments made for the better often produce the greatest and most God-honoring results...

The Word You Can Count On:
Proverbs 29:12 - "When a leader listens to malicious gossip, all the workers get infected with evil"  (The Message)
Colossians 3:12-14 - "Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.  Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another.  Forgive as the Lord forgave you.  And over all these things put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity."

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Looking Back at Dallas...

The RightNow Leadership Conference that we attended in Dallas from Nov. 2-4 was simply spectacular!  Hard to believe we have been back for 4 days already...

As I reflect on this opportunity, the MAIN impressions that remain with me are:

1)  Let's not forget to tell and live out the Story of Christ - the GOSPEL!!  It really is the greatest Story ever told.  It has the power to transform our lives - and our eternity.

2)  What a deep joy to be in the presence of the GIFT of Biblical Preaching and Teaching.  The speakers we heard were unbelievably powerful!!  Yes, this Gift is attached to people - but we are NOT to give glory to these individuals, but to the GOD that gifted them with the ability to clearly proclaim HIS Word and Truth.  And Godly Teachers will always remind us of that...

3)  Ministry TEAMS need to "get away" on occasion to become more so...  Healthy Relationships among those that are called to serve God together don't happen automatically.  Sometimes the BEST thing you can do to inspire and encourage your Team is to go on a Road Trip together!!

4)  God wants us to pursue "Faith-Based Work, NOT a Work-Based Faith".

5)  A personal "Aha!" from a breakout session:  I can serve God and Nazareth well - and better - by launching ministry efforts that will probably FAIL.  (!!)  Why?  Because God can turn these failures into learnings and lessons that are "Developmental GOLD"!

Yes - "Mountain Top" experiences (like this Conference) are wonderful and needed - but it's important to note that nothing really grows "up there".  God is SO eager - and able - to produce His Fruit IN us and THROUGH us.  How?  By understanding that God wants us to live faithfully for Him - in the VALLEY...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Gospel and Sanctification

The above was the title of a session today here at the RightNow Church Leadership Conference.  It was led by a young pastor (he's 37) that I believe is one of the very BEST teachers anywhere in Christendom:  Matt Chandler.  I have been listening to his podcasts for a few years now - and it was a deep blessing to hear him speak live.

He has an incredible personal story of conversion - from being a cynical, unbelieving young man - to becoming a dedicated and humble follower of Christ - and a powerfully gifted teacher of the Word of God!  He leads a Church here in Dallas that has been growing by leaps and bounds for almost a decade now.  A crazy twist in his his life recently: He was diagnosed two years ago with a malignant brain tumor and has gone through treatment and surgery - yet that seems to have only increased his passion - and his anointing - as a Preacher of the Gospel.

I have been in many rooms where gifted speakers have shared the Good News of Christ - but I must say that God is using this young man in incredible ways.  Many can lead well - but to lead other leaders well - that is not so common.  To say that I was challenged and blessed - to the point that "my socks were blown off" - is a serious understatement!!!

From his talk today:

God has a PASSION for Holiness and Purity.  He detests decietful and wicked men.  A common Biblical misunderstanding is that God hates the sin but loves the sinner.  Chandler argued that this is partially true - but we are not to under-estimate how much God despises those that are wicked and how actively he opposes sinful men and women - especially those that are intentional in their sinful decisions.  Wouldn't that be most, if not all of us?

God seeks to discipline us - out of LOVE.  Chandler defines Discipline:  "A view of the future through actions taken today."  God will discipline us today - because he has a glorious view of our future!

ALL sin is incredibly offensive to God!!  God will "break your hand" if you fondle with sin - because he cares so deeply for you!  He knows this does not feel loving - but it truly is.

It is impossible to hide sin - and it WILL eventually be exposed and brought to light by a God who TRULY loves us - because THAT is how it can be most powerfully dealt with - to the point of real change.  And Real Change is what is required.

God provides a way for us to battle sin - by growing continually in our affections toward Christ!  As we pursue Christ and His righteousness, our sin is put to death.

I love this:  Our battle against sin is intended to be a Grace Driven Effort - not driven by guilt!

How?  Confess everything to Him.  Yes - EVERYTHING!!  Do it!!  God wants to eliminate ALL of the shadows in our lives - because He is SERIOUS about HOLINESS!!  No one "stumbles into the righteousness of God."  We are to TRAIN ourselves in this pursuit.  And diligent, complete and genuine confession is a priceless tool of sanctification.

We are invited by God to experience COMPLETE FREEDOM from sin.  Who doesn't want that??

Leaders:  Pursue the Holiness of God - by growing closer to Christ - and being fueled by His Grace. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Power of The Gospel

A Team of seven of us from Nazareth are here in Dallas for a RightNow Church Leadership Conference for 3 days.

Today was Day 1.  Amazing stuff!  Conferences like this one often have such fantastic content - and this one is no exception.  It sometimes feels like you are drinking from a fire hose...!

I've been taking a LOT of notes - but I wanted to share some learnings from the very last session of the day.  The theme was simply, the Power of the Gospel.  


RELIGION can tell us WHAT to do - but it cannot create in us the DESIRE to do it.  Religion eventually fails  - because religion does not truly transform...

On the other hand, the GOSPEL has the power to completely CHANGE those who hear it and respond to it - because it can create in us a LOVE for God and a DESIRE for Him - in a way that religion never could!

So - What might happen to us if we were to focus less on ourselves and more on Christ?  I wonder...

The GOSPEL is alive because it has the power to produce LIFE --> IN us and THROUGH us!!

The speaker, J.D. Greear, convincingly challenged us to be wary of moralism and legalism.  Unfortunately, these two topics unduly dominate the teaching and preaching we hear in our churches - at the expense of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Let's recover the Power that makes Christianity the only hope for a fallen word - and for us to know lasting joy, freedom, radical generosity and audacious faith!  

A Gospel Prayer:

1) In Christ, there is nothing I could do to make You love me more; nothing I have done that makes You love me less.

2) You are all I need today for everlasting joy.

3) As You have been to me, so I will be to others.

4) As I pray, I'll measure Your compassion by the cross and Your power by the resurrection.


Monday, October 31, 2011

Dallas Bound...!

Thanks for checking out this new blog!!

A few of us from Nazareth Evangelical Lutheran Church here in Cedar Falls, IA are headed to Dallas, TX to attend the RightNow Church Leadership Conference from Nov 2-4.  We leave early Tuesday morning!!

I love the RightNow Ministries Mission Statement:  "To help people trade in the pursuit of the american dream for a world that desperately needs Christ."

Take a peek at what they are about and what we are hoping to experience, by following the link below --

RightNow Church Leadrship Conferences

Our Senior Pastor, Brian King, most of our Student Ministry Staff and myself are attending.  I am excited to see what God might to do to us over the course of the next several days.

I hope to use this blog to jot down a few key learnings, ideas and challenges that can be of benefit to all that might be interested in wanting to make some kind of a dent in this world - for the cause of Christ.

There are few things more exciting for me than a High Quality Conference - I know many are not all that thrilled to attend these kind of events - but I love them with a passion!  AND - I am extremely excited to share the next few days with these good friends and Nazareth ministry partners.

Stay tuned..!  And pray that we might have a safe and productive trip!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Lean In.

If you're going to lean in to something, you eventually have to give up control.  When you lean, there is that exact moment you aren't standing on your own anymore in a way where you are calling the shots.

Yup - there is a chance you might fall down.  But there is also a glorious chance that you might find yourself being caught and sustained by the Promise that God is always with us and will never forsake us.  (*)  But - you'll never know for sure - until you really lean!

There is an old church hymn I remember as a kid with the lyric: "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms..."

Lean in to the Lord.  Lean in to discover what He has planned for you.  Make no mistake, God has a Plan - and I believe it's a good one!  (**)  I am convinced He has designed for EACH of us a life of deep significance and purpose and meaning and influence - for a cause that much more important than just ourselves.  We can discover what this might be - by leaning away from our selfishness - and into His arms.

Do you want to Live and Lead well?  Lean in to the Lord - and brace yourself for an wonderful adventure of Grace and Joy and Redemption in Christ that the world - including you and me - so desperately needs to experience...

The Word You Can Count On:
*Romans 8:28 - "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, and who have been called according to his purpose."
**Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."