Excerpted from a Men's Devotional written by Stuart Briscoe:
Moses named the place Massah—”the place of testing”—and Meribah—”the place of arguing”—because the people of Israel argued with Moses and tested the LORD by saying, “Is the LORD going to take care of us or not?” - EXODUS 17:7
Young people are rarely interested in history. Their past holds little of interest, and their future beckons alluringly. Older people show more interest in the subject. Their beckoning future is shorter than their fading past, so their interest in history is easily explained. But young people should realize that the lessons of history are designed to save them from mistakes in the future. As George Santayana stated, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

But by this time the Lord’s patience was wearing thin. The redeemed people were “testing the Lord” (17:2). As a result of their habitual grumbling, distrusting, arguing, and defying the Lord, they eventually forfeited the right to enter the Land of Promise. Instead of enjoying the life they were intended to enjoy because of the Lord’s bounty, they died in despair in the wilderness.
The lesson from history is simply this: Don’t take God for granted. Don’t abuse his grace. Don’t test his patience. Those who do so may discover his wrath. And that would mean, as the Lord said, “they will never enter my place of rest” (Heb. 3:11). A relevant statement, whether or not you are interested in history! For if there is one thing people hope for, it is that they will eventually rest in peace.
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