Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Influence.  It is a curious thing...

We will make some kind of impact on nearly everyone around us - but we need to recognize that our level of influence is not the same with everyone.  And the reverse is true -  those we encounter will have varying degrees of influence and impact on us.

For example:  Why might one co-worker or family member seem to be more responsive to our input than another - even when we are attempting to communicate "the same thing" with both?  Why does a certain teacher or preacher seem to be better able to "really hit me" with their words and actions better than others - even when they might not know that they are?  Why is it that skepticism or indifference can arise in the heart of one person - when excitement and inspiration are stirred in the heart of another - and BOTH people are sharing the same experience?

Learn to be a student of influence.  And may we all care about being a good and Godly steward of it.

Be thankful for the impact that God allows you to have in the lives of others - and be careful to never abuse it or take it for granted.  Be appreciative of those friends and authors neighbors and artists and family members and even strangers - that truly have been influential enough to change your actions and behaviors - especially for the better.

Influence is a SUCH broad topic - there are so many kinds of influence to consider - but for now, let's just put this idea on our radar:

God has given us the capacity and the ability to deeply influence each other's lives - or not?

Yes.  What a curious thing it is indeed...

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