This just put a good degree of wind in my sails today...
It's called "The Treasure Principle". What it is, in a nutshell:
"You can't take it with you -- but you can send it on ahead."
What!?!? Yup - It's that simple. If you "get it" - maybe right now you might be struggling to get your breath back...?
Randy Alcorn writes: "Anything we try to hang on to here will be lost. BUT, anything we put into God's hands can be ours for eternity. If we GIVE instead of KEEP, if we invest in the ETERNAL instead of the TEMPORAL, we store up treasures in heaven that never stop paying dividends. Whatever treasures we store up on earth will be left behind when we leave it. Whatever treasures we store up in heaven will be waiting for us when we arrive."
I was an Economics Major in college - so this is really grabbing my attention! We are told that smart financial/economic planning is to not think 3 months or 3 years ahead - but to think 30 years ahead. With Christ as our Ultimate Advisor, He is challenging us to think even farther -- our "investments" can be paying off in 30 million years - or more!!

As we live more fully surrendered to Him - as we live more and more for His purposes and His Glory - we will hang on more lightly to what belongs to this world only. Learning to have more of an eternal perspective on all that we have and do is possible - and it is a perspective that will require a deeper trust in a God that has bigger and greater plans for His people - in the now and far beyond the now!

In my simple and current understanding - this means that:
1) We receive great and full Gifts of Grace from God while on this earth - but God has Heavenly Blessings prepared for us that are UNBELIEVABLE!! He is eager to give great Treasures in Heaven to those that work and serve hard and dedicate themselves fully to loving Him and living for Him - and especially suffering for Him.

Woah, Nellie!! Sign me up for THIS Investment Plan, please...
Jesus sums it all up right here...
The Word You Can Lean On:
Matthew 6:20 - "But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven..."
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